What Marketing Applications Should We Use?
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From my early days as a marketing professional to my current role as a marketing instructor, I've encountered a recurring question:
"What marketing programs or applications should we use?"
In the pre-internet era, it was framed more traditionally:
"What marketing tools should we use?"
My approach to this question has always been to focus on the individual asking it, rather than simply providing a canned response.
Interestingly, those who asked this question tended to be the less experienced individuals in training sessions. It's worth noting that seasoned marketing professionals or promising candidates rarely felt the need to pose it.
So, what's the answer?
Or perhaps, do we even need an answer?
Let me clarify: There isn't a single marketing tool, program, or application that can do the entire job for you.
You are the ultimate marketing tool.
Remember, a marketer serves as the bridge between a customer and a product/service.
Certainly, there are excellent marketing programs and applications that can enhance your efforts and boost sales. I utilize them extensively myself. However, the customer won't make a purchase solely because you're using the latest digital application.
Ultimately, sales are realized when you meet the customer's needs, and their purchasing decision is influenced by various factors.
Price, quality, delivery time, warranty terms, and customer support are critical considerations, and no digital app can provide the perfect formula for the right combination.
In B2B marketing, additional factors such as the attitude of the marketing representative come into play, but cultivating the right attitude largely stems from the company culture.
The underlying marketing principles remain unchanged.
Digital applications are fantastic—they streamline data processing and enable detailed analysis. But behind every digital marketing tool, there's a human brain. When it comes to marketing, persuading customers to invest more for quality isn't the task of the application, but rather the responsibility of the marketing professional who crafts the strategy.
A marketing expert must stay attuned to the market pulse, understand customer needs, and make timely moves.
Until next time,
Warm regards.....
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